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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  November 15, 2013 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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in a pwow!ct world every man would look like johwow!amos. and in a perfect world, what's delicious would be healthy too. wish granted. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. sounds too good to be true... it's thick, creamy but 0% fat and twice the protein. huh..! where did stamos go? he's here, the oikos are on him. this really is too good to be true! dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. too delicious to be so nutritious. ♪ dannon. i want you to be kind.ff i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at
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and thrive. and that breaking news, the possibility of a another bart strike. bart's board voted to renegotiate the labor contract with the unions. tonight the unions are balking. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm carolyn johnson. lillian kim was at that board meeting, and she has the late-breaking details. >> bart's board of directors emerged from their closed door meeting after three hours. in a 7-1 vote they decided to go back to the bargaining table with the unions. >> what is important is to try to find a middle ground to address this difficult issue. >> at board is the clerical error. it says employees can receive six weeks of paid leave under the federal medical leave act. that provision was a mistake and negotiators likely signed
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the form after reading it. >> they didn't expect it to be in that package because they never discussed it. >> the bart board of directors came up with a chart detailing the cost of the provision. they say it will cost $44.2 million over four years. that's more than half of the cost of the entire $67 million tentative agreement. they say a deal is a deal. >> i don't see how it is an honest mistake. you signed it. we signed it. >> bart riders are frustrated. >> i don't want another strike. >> tom hawk is out and a new chief negotiator will be named soon. lillian kim, abc news. >> that is what is going wrong and let's talk about what is going right. batkid captured our hearts and the city. the city was transformed to gothem city 20* help -- to help miles scott's dream come
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true. he was presented the key to the city. sergio, what a day. >> what a day indeed. tonight san francisco city hall is lit up in batkid's colors and while it was a wish come true for the 5-year-old it was a spectacular day for thousands of people to watch. as batkid emerged from batman's smoky base of operations in a lamborghini bat mobile it was the beginning of a day long adventure. one much of the city cheered on and is still cheering. >> in san francisco we don't have a lot of kids. i think there are a lot of us that are like, yes, we can do something fun for our kids. >> bat ky d helped batman disarm a mysterious device and freed a damsel in distress. it wept to a bank vault to foil the rid leer's plans for a heist. the villain was lead
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off, and the bat kid was met with heroic applause. the action wasn't over because the penguins took him hostage and the bat duo had to set them free and help the police take away yet another villain. but wait, there is more. >> i want to thank the bat kid for saving our city. >> mayor ed lee handed miles a key to the city and they got their final word from the boy hero. miles is a cancer survivor and when his leukemia went into remission he asked for this wish. the bay area chapter of the make a wish foundation got to work. he was one of the leading it characters in this comic book and he helped entertain the bat kid and enthusiastically put the day together. >> he is our hero. i don't know. it is great. >> san francisco loves batkid
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indeed. abc7 news. >> and the department of justice got into the act sending out the news released on the indictment of the ridler and the penguin. it reads, if not for the her -- heroic of the bat kid surely they would have been successful. >> way to go, miles. way to save gothem. >> the president got involved. he tweeted this photo of miles running down hy de street this morning. they encouraged people to follow miles. >> the hash tag sfsbatkid was so popular that we measured 20 tweets per second. batkid and sfbatkid and gothem were being tweeted all over. >> they originally expected to sell 300 of these shirts, but they sold 3,000. they are sold out right now,
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but more will be made. you can buy one on-line for $20. we have a link at abc7 all of the proceeds go to the make a wish foundation. >> since today's edition was popular they are reprinting the gothem city front page with updates on batkid's adventures and they even added special reporters, clark kent and lois lane. >> ama dates was involved in bat kid's adventure from the beginning. >> they called an impromptu press conference. joy please, caped -- >> please, caped crusader, whoa need you. and bring bat kid. >> they asked her to be a part of batkid's day. you can follow amadates on twitter or on the abc7 news facebook page. >> a lot of people who were tweeting and retweeting today were also watching the live streaming coverage we provided on the abc7 news app.
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you can download it to your tablet or smart phone by going abc7 slash apps. miles is not the only child with big dreams. if you would like to help make more of these wishes come true, we have a link to the bay area chapter of the make a wish foundation at abc7 under see it on tv. >> happening now, the new addition to the tunnel is almost ready to open. it is now finished ahead of schedule and under budget. allen wong is live in uh -- arinda. >> the tail lights are headed toward the tunnel where the finishing touches are taking place on the fourth floor right now. road crews are blasting away the old lane stripes and preparing for the new ones creating four permanent lanes in each direction. the new $417 million fourth
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floor of the tunnel was celebrated this afternoon. >> we are committed to opening up this tunnel tomorrow morning. >> cal trans says reverse commuters will see the biggest benefit during peak hours with an average of five minutes taken out of their commute. all of that westbound traffic headed toward san francisco during the peak hours will see little change. sonya santiago is still optimistic. >> it will make a difference. depending on the time of day you travel you know which team to leave. it will make a huge difference. >> cal trans says we may see the most dramatic change in the heavy weekend traffic that lasts throughout the day. >> it will help the people in ar nie da who commute into the city. with two open, that will relief some of the congestion we see on the weekend. >> it is expected to open sometime early tomorrow morning. along highway 24 at the
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tunnel, allen wong, abc7 news. >> starting in early january parking at the ferry terminal will no longer be free. the board of directors uh -- approved a $2 daily fee. it won't be collected on weekends or major holidays. there will be a monthly pass for $20. a man wanted for a sickening attack on a homeless woman last week has been arrested. 28-year-old timothy chase was taken into custody today in his home in oakland. police say chase is the man in this surveillance video. you can see a man walk up to a person on the sidewalk and stomp on her head repeatedly. police say they found chase after getting tips from people who recognized him in the video. the victim refused medical treatment. caught on cell phone video several arrests were made after a crowd got hostile. police say the man ran from them to his home on the valencia garden apartments after they tried to give him a bike citation. neighbors and family thought police were being too rough
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with him. three people tried to intervene and were also taken into custody. two officers and two of the suspects were injured. police say they used reasonable force during the arrest. >> it has been one week since typhoon haiyan struck killing 3600 people. there was a vigil and fundraiser at san francisco's union square. the group raised money and awareness for victims of the typhoon. and on monday abc7 news is hosting a fundraiser to help the typhoon victims. you can make donations to the red cross' relief fund from a live hotline from 11:00 in the morning to 11:00 p.m. here on abc7. how much money you make is usually something you want to keep private, right? that is getting harder to do of the. >> michael finney is here now with why your salary is not big of a secret anymore. >> and it is not just who knows, but who are those people telling? a report on data brokers you probably never saw coming.
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>> plus, shot and left on the floor. was help for the tsa agent killed in the l.a.x. shooting delayed? >> also the shocking results of an exclusive abc7 news investigation. what we found in the scratch paper bin at the post office. >> i'm meteorologist sand yaw patel. i'm meteorologist sand -- sand yaw patel.
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when ouwe goword. she said hert (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew what? (announcer) the subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. the sleep number bed. once you experience it, there's no going back. final days for our lowest price ever on c4 queen mattress sets-just $1299. plus special financing until 2015. only at one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide. sleep number. comfort individualized.
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we have new details about a story of a responding police officer who may have delayed care to a more tally wounded tsa agent earlier this month. a press report suggests the officer came across tsa agent hernandez minutes after he was shot, but did not alert paramedics for 30 minutes. he said hernandez was already dead and an autopsy will determine if that is true. the lapd is investigating. chances are you don't want a lot of people knowing how much you make. but chances are more people already do than you think. >> how is that happening and what do you do about it? 7 on your side's michael finney is here with a lesson on how the world works. >> when you give up your information to get a loan or
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whatever you expect them to call your employer and ask, does michael finney work there? we live in world where out sourcing is king. >> how much money do you make? >> we are real fors. we don't want to divulge because we make a lot. >> good for them. we tend to keep it private. in america salary information is private information. he is with the electronic foundation. >> it tells where you work and what economic strata you are in. it can reveal a lot of information. >> services like verify job system, you confirm and the work number. keep track of your employment and salary and sell the information.
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how do they get the information? employers share it with them. when you fill out a loan application for instance, it is often confirmed not through your company, but through an out sourced service. saving your employer time and money. >> there are a number of data brokers out there, and it is clear who is getting what and it is a system that is hidden for consumers and purposely hidden from consumers. these data brokers are not supposed to give out your salary information unless the requester has a right to it. for example a 11 deer you uh -- a lender you approve. you could approve it without noticing. you could be getting a potential employer the right to check your current salary. it is hard to negotiate pay if your potential employer holds all of the cards. that's where this website comes in. pay gathers salary information from employees and then they put together a comprehensive report. >> as an employee, the main
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use is to understand your price in the labor market. really understand where you are in the income distribution curve for your position. >> the pay scale will give you a free report if you give them the par tick particulars about the employment. the other numbers like work number and verified job system will give uh free report once a year. they have to by law. so ask your employer if they out source job and salary vair verification. if they do, ask the company for the name and then your free report. then you can see if it is correct and beyond that it tells you who has been checking on your information. one reason your employer says it is legal liability, with these services your job performance is never discussed. it is only hard numbers. >> that's what everybody is talking about. >> it is out there. a shocking discovery at the menlo park post office. it is a story you will see on
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abc7 news. social security numbers and other information found on scratch paper for anyone to see. the pads were blank on one side with customer and employee information on the back. a customer made the discovery at the post office. >> my first thought was this promotes identity theft. i mean, it is right there for anybody to pick up. the branch supervisor says he doesn't know how it happened, but there will be an investigation. people from around a the world are rallying around a new jersey nerming waitress who wasn't -- a nerming new jersey waitress who wasn't left a tip by the family because she is gay. they left her a note that said, i'm sorry, but i cannot tip you because i don't agree with your lifestyle. the story got out on social media and today dana said she has received more than $2,000 in tips from all over the world. the former marine will donate the money to the wounded warrior project. get ready for some fresh crab.
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take a look at the first dungeon nuss crab. this haul arrived tonight and they are expecting $3 a pound for their catch. you will pay $5.50 to $60 a pound. >> weather looks good too. it looks fantastic. it will feel like november, cool, but dry for outdoor plans. for the time being live doppler hd, and fog is not a problem. this is sfo cameras. if you are flying out still for a weekend get away you shouldn't have any problems. 52 in san francisco right now. redwood city, san jose midto upper 40s. 43 in los gatos. the view from the exploratorium camera, seeing a few low clouds developing around the trans america pyramid. 42 in santa rosa and it is 39
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in novato. turn up the heat and throw an extra blanket on. it is definitely going to be on the cold side. concord 52 and livermore 60 degrees. a little fog from the sutro camera over san francisco. this will be seem pour rather as we have -- temporary as we have cooler air from the north. chilly night ahead and a chance of rain by the middle of next week. it is looking a little more promising. this system is not going to bring us moisture. it will continue to spread the clouds overnight. it is dumping the rain and snow up into the pacific northwest over the course of the next few days. the moisture that does make it down evaporates before it gets to our area. we go to partly to mostly sunny and we are looking at a cool couple of nights ahead. on tuesday the cold front arrives and the rain chance begins to appear and it will continue through your wednesday. we will keep the chance of rain and then we will see a clearing trend. we are watching the time period for you.
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tomorrow morning if you do have an early start with your weekend plans, you will want to definitely keep yourself warm because it is going to be chilly. midto upper 30s in the coldest locations and 40s elsewhere. for the afternoon, check out these numbers. really comfortable, 66 fairfield and 65 napa and santa rosa and san rafael. down toward the south bay, morgan hill, 63 degrees. occasional clouds. 62 oakland, san mateo, 61 san francisco, 51 half moon bay and breezy. a look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast, slightly cooler and a little more cloud cover. and then we brighten it up for the start of the workweek. that puts everyone in a good mood. tuesday and wednesday we are going to bring in the rain chances. you might want to start looking for the umbrellas. i'm warning you as you look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast, we may finally see november weather. >> finally jie. we'll wait -- >> we'll wait and see. >> larry beale is here. >> nothing gets you more excited than the start of
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another workweek. raiders could be starting an undrafted rookie at quarterback on sunday. what is up
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with holiday magic in both parks, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier. to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway is just what they crave. a hero of the table, "so delicious" they'll rave. fresh, natural, frozen. it's the best selection around. spend $30 and a frozen safeway turkey is just 59 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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the sharks are continuing their road trip stop four of five. an evening in edmonton and it was all team teal. it is not toronto mayor rob ford, i hope. the sharks are on the power play. patrick marlow and thorton gets it to pavel ski. 1-0 san jose. 90 seconds later and puck loose behind the net. he scores his 12th of the year off thorton. 2-0 sharks. second period thorton to patrick marlow and 3-0 sharks.
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he is really lucky and ryan smith missed a wide open thet. almost impossible to miss. that's the way it goes for the oilers. sharks win it 3-1. it is round one of the maui invitational. strangely played in berkeley. he rams it hope and they have six points. he had five three's and the golden grizzlies were up five, but cal would tie and then pull away thanks to bird who lead all with 24. that breaks a 59-59 tie. the bears go on to win it 64-60. this is troubling news for a raiders team trying to snap a two-game losing streak. terrelle pryor may not be able to go sunday in houston. pryor suffered a setback on the sprained right knee. that means the back up may start against the texans. the undrafted rookie started
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number four on the depth chart. last played two weeks ago against philly throwing for 80 yards. and he spent seven hours documenting his bullying case. the former stanford lineman will never suit up for miami again, but he does want to continue playing in the thfl. >> i do, hof, look toward to speaking directly with steven ross, garfinkle and the organization at the appropriate time. beyond that i look forward to working through the process and resuming my career in the national football league. >> abc7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. stanford will be here. >> we will watch you on the sports show this weekend. >> with a wrap of the winning stanford victory. coming up, how you can relive all of the best moments. >> from
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with qualifying bundles. to those who've encountered welcome to covered california. new, affordable health plans so you can be ready for whatever comes your way. enroll today at weather. a chilly start. 30s and 40s and lisa air general is here at 5:00. >> thank you. >> people are talking about bat kid and his crime-fighting adventures on the streets of san francisco. >> miles scott, akabatkid rescued a damsel in distress and foiled the penguin's plan. >> and he received a chocolate key to the city. it was a full day for this super hero in training. we put together the best moments on our website so you can relive the excitement. find that at abc7 >> check it out. if you didn't get to see some of it, it is great stuff. >> it is fun to watch again. i'm carolyn johnson.
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight dr. phil mcgraw, erin andrews and music from florida georgia line. and now how do you like this? here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ ♪ jimmy kimmel live ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: thank you your watcng


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